Communication and knowledge management

To ensure the sustainability of systems is important to implement strategies Communication and Knowledge Management, where the population participates and responsibility is generated. We can generate this responsibility through the following services:

  • Communication strategies
  • Campaigns
  • Environmental education
  • Systematizing and sharing of experiences
  • Communication and awareness campaigns
  • Workshops with service users
  • Health education
  • Consensus building processes

Sustainable Sanitation Alliance - Latin America and the Caribbean

SuSanA is an informal network of people and organizations who share a common vision on sustainable sanitation and who want to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG6, which refers to guaranteeing the availability of water and its sustainable management and sanitation for all.

Aguatuya, a member of the network, has been the organization in charge of regional coordination in Latin America and the Caribbean since 2018.